>From Craig:

> I've got a question that I believe you could help me with:
> I understand that the coulomb barrier is the point at which the Strong
> Force will become dominant, and overcome the natural repulsion of two
> nuclei as they are moved closer together. But can neutrons penetrate the
> coulomb barrier without any problem, since they are not repelled by the
> positive charge in the nucleus? Is this why the Widom-Larsen hypothesis
> posits the entry of weak neutrons into the nucleus?

It's my understanding that neutrons are essentially neutral in-so-far
as positive/negative charges go. Therefore, neutrons do not appear to
be influenced by the colomb barrier and can easily enter the nucleus
of atoms. I gather this is a really big deal in-so-far as the Widom
Larsen theory goes. But that's not the real issue. The real issue, the
question that really needs to be resolved is whether ultra low
momentum neutrons exist.

Mills has his hydrinos that he is fiercely defending.

Likewise, Widdom & Larsen have their ultra low momentum neutrons.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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