Ah Finally!

Ladies and Gentlemen! Time for this evening's main attraction! We have
two different POVs dueling for supremacy. This evening's fight theme:
Would a self-running Rossi demonstration device be taken seriously by
the world, or would a 1 Megawatt thermal plant suffice.

In one corner we have the honorable Jones Beene, a former lawyer and
scrappy debater who has disarmed many a wannabe challenger with his
articulate linguistic punches.

Jones' opening punch:

> A self-runner is the holy grail. No one has ever done it
> to date in LENR. I hope that the current situation is
> "oversight", and that Defkalion did not realize that
> COP>8 will essentially guarantee a self-runner.
> But Rossi could put all the worries aside when he
> "closes the loop" with or without their approval. Why would
> Rossi not want to do this? Does he not trust his own skills?

In the opposite corner, the honorable Terry Blanton, who has
accumulated vast personal experience in the trials and tribulations of
trying to create a self-running alternate energy device, such as the
SPRAIN project. Very few linguistic punches are likely to get past
Terry's first-hand experience in this field.

Terry's opening punch:

> I am not so sure that merely self running would
> attract billions quickly.  I think it would have to
> self run for a very long time for people to believe
> it.  Finsrud's mobile kinda self runs doesn't it?
> I'm not even sure that self running and lighting a
> light bulb would bring billions quickly.
> But generating a megawatt of heat?  Now *that* will
> impress the masses.  Honestly, from my experience, I
> think that having a massive fire burning is what it
> will take.
> Figuratively speaking, you'll be able to see it for
> miles and miles.

Gentlemen. Let me check your gloves. No hitting below the belt.


Steven Vincent Johnson

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