High-Rydburg-catalyzed fusion (HRCF)

This quote from Edmund Storms has always intrigued me. I always test and
compare any new prospective Rossi reaction theory that comes up against it.

[quote] Edmund Storms:  Rossi hit upon this somewhat by accident. He was
using a nickel catalyst to explore ways of making a fuel by combining
hydrogen and carbon monoxide and apparently, observed quite by accident,
that his [?????] was making extra energy. So then he explored it from that
point of view and, apparently, over a year or two, amplified the effect.

He’s exploring the gas loading area of the field. This is also a region, a
method used in the heavy water, or the heavy hydrogen, system. But in this
case, it was light hydrogen, ordinary hydrogen and nickel and what happens
is quite amazing.

You create the right conditions in the nickel, and he has a secret method
for doing that, and all you do is add hydrogen to it and it makes huge
amounts of energy based upon a nuclear reaction.”[/quote]

The excess heat formed in nickel catalyst tests of CH4 production may be
instrumental in the production of High-Rydburg(HR) states of hydrogen when
excited CH4 decomposes and interacts with lattice faults in nickel. Let me
explain as follows:

[quote] Muon-catalyzed fusion is a process allowing nuclear fusion to take
place at temperatures significantly lower than the temperatures required for
thermonuclear fusion, even at room temperature or lower. A muon with a unit
negative charge can substitute for the single electron of a hydrogen atom.
The muon, 207 times more massive than the electron, effectively shields and
reduces the electromagnetic resistance between two nuclei and draws them
much closer into a covalent bond than an electron can. The effective radius
of the modified hydrogen is 207 times smaller than a normal hydrogen atom.
Because the nuclei are so close, the strong nuclear force is able to kick in
and bind both nuclei together.[/quote]

A muon is something that is massive and has a negative charge. By analogy, a
High-Rydburg(HR) state of hydrogen can build a compound virtual particle
that is very heavy and has a large negative charge. Because the group of
negative hydrogen ions is coherent, they behave as a single quantum
mechanical particle. I think a coherent cluster of hydrogen ions can build a
compound virtual particle that can catalyze fusion reactions just like a
muon can but only better.

The High-Rydburg negitive hydrogen ion theory of the Rossi reaction.

In the presents of carbon, when hot high pressure hydrogen is bombarded with
thermal electrons, long lived clumps of negative hydrogen ions form.  Unlike
the short lived muon, the lifetime of High-Rydburg (HR) states of hydrogen
initially produced by the breakdown of excited CH4, is  further increased by
atomic and  electron impact. Lifetimes of HR have been observed at about 100
microseconds to seconds based on their quantum excitation states.

In point of fact, High-Rydberg states of H2 produced via continued electron
impact have been in fact been experimentally observed with long lifetimes.
Such long-lived HR states are thought to be high orbital angular momentum
(high-C) states populated via electron impact near ion threshold energies.

Preliminary measurements 'using a new experimental technique’ (Pinnaduwage,
L. A., and Datskos,) show that the effective lifetimes may be Lengthened at
high ambient pressures; this could be due to the collisional stabilization
of vibrationally-excited core of the HR state.

In more detail, the HR clump is coherent with orbital electrons moving in
circular orbits far from the ion cores. These clumps are effectively
super-atoms that don’t readily react with ordinary H2 chemically. There are
many ion cores enclosed within the huge orbits of HR atoms with very large
quantum excitation states.

As heat is added to the hydrogen atmosphere, these quantum excitation states
get really large as kinetic energy is added by continued atomic and further
electron impacts on these clumps of negative hydrogen ions. As the quantum
level of ionization grows larger, the lifetime of the ion clump increases.

These ion cores are comprised of hundreds of hydrogen nuclei with their
electrons orbiting at extreme distances.  When these ion core complexes find
their way into the lattice defects of nickel, a catalyzed fusion process

I think that the this High-Rydberg state process is the fusion mechanism
that is universal to all cold fusion processes observed in many years of
countless cold fusion experiments. It operates in a way similar to muon
catalyzed fusion.

On the practical side, this coherent ion state of hydrogen can be produced
by dissociation of CH4 by glow discharge electron emissions. In turn this
CH4 can be produced when carbon is heated and evaporates in a hydrogen
atmosphere. Graphite heated in a high pressure hydrogen atmosphere will
generate CH4.

The secret element in the Rossi reactor could well be carbon.

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