Peter Gluck wrote:

Rossi has declared: " My process has NOTHING to do with
the process of Piantelli. The proof is that I have operating reactors and he not." He has not said - for example I made an radical improvement of the existing system . . .

Well, it does not matter what he claims, or even what he himself believes. Either this is the same process as Piantelli's or it isn't. That's a matter of fact, not opinion.

I think it is extremely unlikely there are many different and unrelated newly discovered methods of getting massive amounts of non-chemical energy from nickel hydrides, and these methods have no connection to the Pd-D effect. I find that so unlikely, I dismiss that possibility.

If Rossi means that Piantelli's speculation about the mechanism is wrong, and the two effects are the same but Rossi's own explanation is superior, that's another matter. Rossi has some difficulty expressing himself in English, and that might be what he has in mind.

- Jed

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