The original comment was not made clear enough, it seems - and it was not 
intended as criticism for Rossi. Greed is a perfectly acceptable motivation for 
an inventor. No problem there.

However, the situation is far different when you are from top management of the 
Department of Energy, and have used taxpayer money and inside political 
connections for gain. This can happen in bid-free contracts and in many other 
ways involving lack of full disclosure.

'Greed' only works well for society, as a motivator, when there is a level 
playing field.

In the case of inside connections, just as in the recent conviction of 
Rajaratnam for Wall Street cheating - greed tends to merge far closer to fraud 
than when it is motivation for a poor inventor in the private sector. I hope 
they throw the book at him and the other pigs responsible for the recent 
financial collapse.


-----Original Message-----
From: Angela Kemmler 
> If you are asking seriously, the answer is yes, of course greed is good. 

In my opinion, this is not the main question. The question is: why does he want 
us to believe something else? He said several time, that he did not receive 
money so far, that he financed everything himself and that he wants to wait 
until November, let's say until a real commercial success in late 2011. He 
repeated it for the last time on April 18, after his agreement with Ampenergo. 

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