Jones, They are electrically moving the equivalent physical position of a
mirror at 5% of light speed back and forth over a nano meter range to
separate the virtual particle pair and make them real. Can dynamical Casimir
effect also explain the anomalous heat in Ni-H powders? You and I have
postulate variations of hydrogen oscillations - you between O and P spin and
I between atomic and molecular but both enabled by the unique Casimir
environment. In reading your citation and Uncle Al's replies regarding
spatial accelerations of mirrors to 5% SOL I have to wonder if this "virtual
pair splitting" can be achieved with equivalent acceleration as the hydrogen
travels between the rapid changes in energy density created by the changes
in the geometry of the Ni nano powder.  The relative motion of hydrogen to
the Ni geometry would not need to be significant since energy density
changes instantly based on 1/a^3 effecting the aether thru the hydrogen
instead of spatial velocity of hydrogen thru the aether.






One of the most surprising predictions of modern quantum theory is that the
vacuum of space is not empty. In fact, quantum theory predicts that it teems
with virtual particles flitting in and out of existence." So begin
Christopher Wilson from Chalmers University in Sweden and friends in their
marvelously readable paper about a rather extraordinary piece of science.
This maelstrom of quantum activity is far from benign. Physicists have known
since 1948 that if two flat mirrors are held close together and parallel
with each other, they will be pushed together by these virtual particles.
The reason is straightforward. When the gap between the mirrors is smaller
than the wavelength of the virtual particles, they are excluded from this
space. The vacuum pressure inside the gap is then less than outside it and
this forces the mirrors.This is the static Casimir effect and it was first
measured in 1998 by two teams in the US. But there is another phenomenon
called the dynamical Casimir effect that has never been seen. It occurs when
a mirror moves through space at relativistic speeds. Here's what happens. At
slow speeds, the sea of virtual particles can easily adapt to the mirror's
movement and continue to come into existence in pairs and then disappear as
they annihilate each other. But when the speed of the mirror begins to match
the speed of the photons, in other words at relativistic speeds, some
photons become separated from their partners and so do not get annihilated.
These virtual photons then become real and the mirror begins to produce
light. That's the theory. The problem in practice is that it's hard to get
an ordinary mirror moving at anything like relativistic speeds.But Wilson
and co have a trick up their sleeves. Instead of a conventional mirror,
they've used a transmission line connected to a superconducting quantum
interference device or SQUID. Fiddling with the SQUID changes the effective
electrical length of the line and this change is equivalent to the movement
of an electromagnetic mirror. By modulating the SQUID at GHz rates, the
mirror moves back and forth. To get an idea of scale, the transmission line
is only 100 micrometres long and the mirror moves over a distance of about a
nanometer. But the rate at which it does this means it achieves speeds
approaching 5 per cent light speed.  So having perfected their mirror moving
technique, all Wilson and co have to do is cool everything down, then sit
back and look for photons. Sure enough, they've spotted microwave photons
emerging from the moving mirror, just as predicted. They finish with a short
conclusion. "We believe these results represent the first experimental
observation of the dynamical Casimir effect." Impressive result!


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