>From Jed:

> That is WEIRD. What is the point of airing it? Did BLP pay for it?

I would speculate that BLP did indeed pay for the commercial. I have no
proof of that however. Who else would pay for it, and for what purpose since
it's obviously pro BLP & for the existence of hydrinos. If the commercial
was initially sourced out to Europe (i.e.: Switzerland) maybe BLP has
considered the possibility of drumming up more business overseas where they
might receive a more friendly reception, at least during the initial steps.
(Perhaps they have been studying Rossi's strategy. Of course, they will
emphatically deny this!)

I assume that You Tube member "ifreed0m" picked up BLP's commercial from
somewhere. The mystery is from where. Going directly to "ifreed0m's" You
Tube home link:


... shows an eclectic interest in saving the environment. He also shows an
interest in BLP, Rossi, and some New Age subjects. This includes UFO
Friendship Messages from an alien civilization called the Akrij. I'll have
to spend some time going over the Akrij videos for... ahem, scholarly
reasons. (I'll let the Vort Collective know if there are any revelatory
predictions like another rapture event - but I doubt it.) The Akrij vaguely
remind me of the Billy Meier's stuff where Meier purported to have been
contact with an advanced civilization that was allegedly hanging out in the
Pleiades star cluster. The Pleiadeans migrated to that star cluster system
many moons ago. (Kind'a romantic in a way.) ;-)

I bet Terry knows as much about the Pleiadeans as I. ;-)

Mostly harmless.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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