I think the fact that Levi was caught telling a white lie about a report
that does not exist is certainly news since it brings into question Levi's
trustworthiness.  If he was caught lying about the existence of that
Galantini report, what else is he lying about?  If you read the comments
section of Steve Krivit's preliminary report blog, you'll see a comment by
Steve in which he says that Rossi said during an interview this week that
 there is no Galantini report.  Perhaps report and data were confused by
Levi, with the language barrier causing confusion?  If they would provide
the data regarding the steam measurements, this whole issue could be put to
rest.  I am beginning to wonder why we are even taking Rossi and Levi
seriously?  Big claims and no supporting credible data.  What category does
that put them in?

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 8:37 PM, Harry Veeder <hlvee...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Why Levi is upset is more evident in this exchange between Steven Krivit
> and
> Luigi Versaggi P.
> https://www.facebook.com/#!/notes/cold-fusion-andrea-rossi-method/i-made-a-question-to-steven-krivit/235485236468276
> If I recall correctly someone wrote on the vortex list back in feburary or
> march
> that Galantini never wrote a report, so that fact is not news. Steven
> Kirvit managed to catch Levi uttering a 'white lie' to *him*. Is that fact
> news?
> Harry

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