At 06:13 PM 6/18/2011, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
From Rossi,

> ...  For example, we had recently a fake journalist here who wrote
> stupidities about the water in the steam: ...

I guess Rossi is still pissed off.

For many years, since I first started on-line "conferencing" as it was called then, on the W.E.L.L., I was fascinated by the possibility of reviewing the record of some conflict and finding its etiology. I'd done some prior work with tapes of meetings where a conflict had erupted. Generally, what the record showed wasn't what some of the participants thought. They were reacting to, not what had actually been said, but how they had, themselves, interpreted it

In Landmark terms, they had collapsed what had happened with the story about what happened. Then new stories are often created based on the original stories, etc.

We can't disentangle what actually happened between Krivit and Rossi, or Krivit and Levi (but Krivit may have audio recordings). But Rossi is here talking about what Krivit wrote, which was merely a preliminary travel report, more about the questions raised than any negative conclusions. It wasn't particularly stupid. Rossi isn't careful, that we can see. He's just reacting to how he feels, and Levi as well, and blaming and criticizing without any foundation.

Krivit is not a "fake journalist." Readers of this list know that many of us have, shall we say, "issues" with Krivit. But he is certainly not what Rossi is claiming, he is a real investigator, if opinionated at times. The issue about water in the steam is one which has raised wide concern about the demonstrations, and not just from "pseudoskeptics." It's a real issue.

It may well be that Rossi and others know things that rule out the problem, but Rossi must understand that, since he is not sharing with the world what he knows, only selected snippets, his claims have *not* been publically demonstrated. He's right, if he gets the Defkalion installation going, if it works, this is largely moot. But it is not moot yet.

He has no obligation to explain or demonstrate anything. However, he does have an obligation to treat others with decency and respect, and he's failing that obligation, a human one.

He could apologize. What would he lose if he did? Nothing that I can see!

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