On 11-06-19 11:39 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Stephen A. Lawrence <sa...@pobox.com <mailto:sa...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    Coupled with the admission that the steam was wet (which has
    seemed pretty obvious to me for quite a while, though, as I've
    said before, I'm no expert) this makes Galantini's assertions
    about steam look pretty unreliable.

1. I do not see them "admitting" any such thing.

2. It cannot be "obvious" to you because you were not there and you have not used instruments or done tests to measure the enthalpy of the steam.

It was obvious from the output temperature curves and description of the experiment.

I won't argue this with you again, Jed, I had enough trouble getting you to admit that it's possible to have steam at higher than 100 C at 1 atmosphere of pressure.

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