At 10:57 PM 6/18/2011, Harry Veeder wrote:
If you were Rossi the businessman, and you knew your device has turned water into steam for short periods of time without any input power, wouldn't you treat the steam quality issue as a minor concern? Harry

Sure, I might, but I would also understand why others wouldn't be convinced by my mere say-so. My own conclusion is that Rossi was conflicted about the demonstration. If what he's got is real, and given various situations, I suspect he did not want to do a demo at all, too dangerous, for lots of reasons.

So he did a half-assed demo.

Does he have the ... whatever it takes ... to simply admit that, to say, "I understand that reasonable skeptics won't be convinced by what they have seen, and I apologize for my own irritation and intemperate remarks. I assure you all that it will become clear in October. Until then, we'll just have to sit with this."

Even if he's thinking:

"You guys can go **** yourselves."

Or not.

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