At 01:19 PM 6/20/2011, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
On 2011-06-20 18:50, Terry Blanton wrote:
  " . . .but at present the elements that tell me I smell like
something else, and "poison" ...

" [...] After the last email he wrote me (of which I reserve the right to disclose to the public or not), I got annoyed probably more than Levi. I would like to be convinced that Krivit's has just been a regrettably wrong move, but at the moment the elements at my disposal show a far different story which smells like poison."

Ah, too bad. This would be classic Krivit, he's even worse when he's defending himself. (This is why reporters should seriously avoid allowing themselves to become part of the story!) Let's hope that it's just some communication problem that will clear up. Fingers crossed. Should I light a candle?

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