Jouni Valkonen wrote:

I do not know how many times you and abd have been told that the
measured boiling point of water is 99,7 °C.

Yup. It is ~99°C here in Atlanta, GA, elevation ~300 m.

Of course this is thermometer reading is trivial to fake e.g. putting
carefully calibrated and electronically controlled electric resistor
near thermometer sensor.
That's true.

It is plain foolish to crap insignificant and probably false details,
because there is not enough information of all the relevant variables,
if the whole system does not even resemble science and can be
fabricated quite easily. Those recent demonstrations are not even
demonstrations, because Rossi has only let observers to watch when he
is performing alleged E-Cat tests for 1 MW plant.

That's true too. What Krivit saw was not a scientific test, or an engineering test. It was more like a trade show demo. As I said, when Rossi invited me, I asked him to do a test. He politely refused, saying he did not have time, and he does not want to do any more tests until the 1 MW demo.

There is nothing wrong with a trade show demo! It is educational. We can draw some conclusions from it. We can't prove anything, because it would be a trivial matter to fake the results, as Valkonen says. But, as I just noted, if we assume that Rossi is being honest, and that Krivit would have noticed gross problems such as the flow rate not being ~7 L/h, then we can conclude there was some anomalous heat with 800 W input. The amount is hard to estimate.

What I wanted to do on a visit to Rossi would be closer to an engineering test. I was hoping to spend many hours measuring the effect, first with flowing water, and then later with steam. I was planning to measure the input power, flow rate, inlet and outlet temperature with my own instruments. I was planning to sparge the steam. This would make the results somewhat independent of Rossi. Not fully independent of course, but more independent than what Krivit observed.

There is a spectrum of demonstrations. At one end we have what Krivit saw, which is completely dependent on the good will and honesty of Rossi. At the other end we have a replication from scratch done by a researcher who has never met Rossi. What I wanted to a little more toward the center of spectrum than what Krivit saw. Not because I don't trust Rossi. I wanted to do this because it is more fun, and more convincing.

I am pleased that Rossi took the time to do this trade-show demo for Krivit. I thought Rossi did a good job. The two video segments are very interesting and revealing. Krivit did a fine job with the video camera position, lighting and sound. That's not easy! Kudos to both of them.

- Jed

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