Bologna, January 14, 2011:
cold fusion becomes a reality in Italy

Prof. S. Focardi (left) and Eng. A. Red (right)
to work around the prototype device (reactor Ni-H
module 10 kW) during a preliminary test.
15/12/2010 Photo courtesy of the G. Levi.

A sensational announcement on cold fusion.

It was May 2008 when the blog for the first time I spoke of cold
fusion or low energy nuclear reactions, if you prefer, for my highly
credible source was a longtime friend who kept me informed of the test
to which he was participating. I was so learned that a few years was
working in Emilia Romagna, a prototype reactor Nickel-Hydrogen, on the
intellect, the tenacity and foresight of Eng. Andrea Rossi and a team
of researchers led by University of Bologna Prof. Sergio Focardi, a
pioneer of studies on cold fusion in Italy.

To me the signal that it was not a hoax but of something momentous, is
assisting the gradual change of attitude of my friend: Party with the
decidedly skeptical scientific objective duty to rebut the
experimental results had been presented, after directly participated
in the tests and subjected to all sorts of monitoring and verifying
the data obtained, gradually recognized that the apparatus built by
Focardi and Rossi produced energy (and so well!) right through the
cold fusion that for many years Mainstream science has denied credit
and verifiability.

Since then various post I announced that would soon be given a public
presentation of the functioning of the Ni-H Focardi and Rossi in
question. The time has now arrived. The day after tomorrow will attend
in person to the event to be held in Bologna, for the freedom of
information guaranteed by bloggers on the net, along with journalists
from two major daily newspapers and national news agency, a small and
select audience of researchers and professors of the Department of
Physics, University of Bologna. We invited all of a venticinquina. Of
course many will bloom early in the network technical insights written
by people competent to deal with the issue, much more than me that the
engineering faculty 20 years ago, said only 8 tests before changing
very field of study and work. So will document the event so popular
deliberately, trying to imagine and speculate developments and
repercussions of this fantastic discovery, on the economy and energy,
environment, life of the rest of us.

>From what I understand, the equipment is tested and refined
successfully for some time (at least one industrial building would be
heated by a fraction of the cost through years of cold fusion), and
its engineering is almost complete, is ready for large scale
production and to be used primarily in industry and then in civilian
homes. Circulating at least a year "rumors" by which was also overseen
by the DOE (Departamento of Energy) and the DOD (Department of
Defense) U.S. and further proven to generate propulsion in one or more
military vessels of the U.S. Navy. I will try to gather more
information on these aspects.

Hoping that the system for producing energy from cold fusion developed
by Focardi and Rossi will not touch the fate of the telephone and that
Meucci, like many inventions from 100% Italian, does not become the
subject of business from other nations, that It is certain that
mankind has everything to gain from a new source of energy low cost
and low environmental impact. And who knows what our government does
not understand - at last - that it makes more sense to build a myriad
of new micro-reactor cold (and solar, wind, etc..) That few dangerous
costosisissime, eco-compatible, "old" atomic power stations . Another
question now imposes itself: how will the lobbies of oil and nuclear?

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