Abd's response strikes me as a lot of verbiage the obscures the point about these tests. I do not think there is any chance the Minister will allow people to blatantly lie about what his Ministry is doing. More to the point --

Defkalion says the government will issue reports and a license to sell the machines. The reports have to be made public, as a matter of law. The government is supposedly testing the device to be sure the excess heat is real, and in a different set of tests, to be sure the machines are safe.

So if the reports are forthcoming, and they confirm the claims, we will know that Defkalion is telling the truth.

If the reports never come out, or if the reports say "there is no excess heat" we will know that Defkalion is lying.

I do not think there is any chance the Greek government will conspire with Defkalion in fraud or in some sort of gigantic joke. We can rule that out. There is not the slightest chance the government will make a mistake measuring 450 W in and 20,000 W out. No engineer or scientists on planet earth could make a mistake on that scale.

It seems to me this is exactly what skeptics have been demanding of cold fusion all these years. This will give us a straightforward yes or no answer in a few months. I do not understand why skeptics are complaining about this, but several of them are, in private e-mail messages to me. What more do these people want?!? They are saying the Greek government is too slow or or you can't trust EU engineers to measure the difference between 450 W and 20,000 W. That's unreasonable.

- Jed

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