On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 200W from the hose


> and 200W from the e cat structure, at lest.

I don't believe it. Rossi never claims it, and this 200W would figure in his
power calculation (the losses in the hose don't), and he never takes account
of it.

I'll go with 50 W tops from the ecat.

> 100Watt
> to heat the water 0.3g/s.

Rossi claimed 2 g/s, corresponding to 600W. But I also suspect that was
misrepresented, although maybe not by that much

> So, if the output looked like a 800W steam from a stove

This is a pretty lame observation to base such a revolutionary claim on. The
visual estimate of power in steam is very subjective. I would say, what
comes out of that hose is consistent with much less power than that; maybe
200 - 300 W.

> we have 500W of excess power.

There is enough wiggle room in all those estimates to get zero, and anyway
500W is pretty weak soup after Rossi announced 10 kW reactors.

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