----- Original Message -----
> From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Cc: 
> Sent: Monday, August 1, 2011 5:39:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Revisiting The "Whipmag" All-Magnet Motor, saga
> However, despite my lack of funding & no shop issues, what makes me
> seriously doubt my own speculation comes down to a personal suspicion
> that magnetic phenomenon, as perceived from our Newtonian frame of
> reference, is conservative, energy wise. As Mr. Lawrence previously
> stated, the "...E&M model of magnetism is [perceived to be]
> conservative." I tend to agree with this assumption. It seems to me
> that if "conservation" wasn't maintained Mother Nature would 
> either be
> constantly blowing herself up, or seizing to a screeching near
> absolute Zero temperature halt. Neither extreme seems to be happening,
> at least from our Newtonian frame of reference. An uneasy status quo
> seems to be maintained.

This reminds me of a pre 17th century argument that the Earth cannot be turning.
As everyone knows if the Earth was turning then the ground would move away from 
you whenever you jumped in the air. However from our experience we know it does 
not, theorefore the Earth is not turning.

In hindsight, it appears to be silly argument, but that is because the concept 
of inertia was not well known or accepted.  

> It may turn out to be a very different story on the quantum level
> however, as we may soon discover.

Quantum mechanics is to a new (future) physics like the Coperincan system was 
to Newtonian physics.
The Coperincan system was new in many respects but it retained the potelmaic 
principle of circular motion.   

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