> I have said that I believe his claims despite this. I believe the temperature 
> difference was a steady 5 deg C for 18 hours, because I assume Levi and 
> others are credible

With a temperature probe INSIDE the black box.

From: Jed Rothwell 
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2011 11:37 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi was there at the press conference when Defkalion 
claimed they have the technology

I meant to write:
"If you don't believe it because Rossi is a dodgy person, go ahead and SAY 
that. Just don't pretend you have some sophisticated technical reason."

It is perfectly valid to reject a claim because the person making the claim 
looks like a crook. That is not a technical reason, but it is rational and 

What Abd is doing is making a rational judgement based on personality and then 
imagining he is deciding based on a technical problem; i.e., if you don't know 
the source of heat, you can't be sure the thermometer really is steady for 18 
hours. Yes, you can be sure of that. Just keep an eye on it.

What Cude, Robert Park and the editors of Sci. Am. are doing is rejecting all 
cold fusion claims no matter how legitimate the researcher may appear to be. 
These people have no scientific basis for their opinions. They are irrationally 
opposed, the way a creationist opposes evolution. Such behavior is widespread. 
It is not surprising or unusual. You will not learn anything from reading what 
such people write because they know nothing about the subject and they have no 
basis for their beliefs.

I am on record expressing grave reservations about Rossi's personality and his 
flamboyant claims. I have said this time after time. I have pointed out blatant 
contradictions in his claims. I have said that I believe his claims despite 
this. I believe the temperature difference was a steady 5 deg C for 18 hours, 
because I assume Levi and others are credible. I could be wrong about that, 
naturally. I have never denied that it might be a scam. That seems unlikely, 
albeit somewhat more likely today than it did yesterday!

I also believe the claim because many cold fusion reactions have produced 
stable high temperatures. In some cases, you can summarize 3 months of data 
with a single stable temperature difference. There will be some fluctuations of 
course, but pretty much a flat line. Since we know that cold fusion can do 
this, there is no reason to think Rossi's version of cold fusion cannot.

- Jed

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