A recent Google newsfeed on "Blacklight Power" brought to my attention a
link from someone with a handle of "sam_michael" who claims Dr. Mills and
Blacklight Power is a scam operation of immense proportions. 






"Sam's" channel:





"Sam" claims: "I take the risk of slander/libel here but must take a stand
to protect investors and the general public about a HUGE scam that has been
propagating for YEARS: Blacklight Power."


And why is he doing this? He states: "My motivation for 'attacking' you?
Wikipedia.. They deleted three decent science articles i posted but kept
yours up.. Why? Because you graduated from Harvard Medical School? That
makes you an authority on quantum chemistry? Bowl sheet."


"Sam" gives me the impression that he is on a quixotic mission to attack all
the evil windmills of the world - and BLP is right up at the absolute top.
"Sam" also seems to have a strong martyrdom streak. For example, he claims
he has no money, so he doesn't care if BLP attempts to sue him. 

I guess I'm sort of curious (in a macabre way) as to whether BLP's legal
team would deem it necessary to grind "Sam" into a bag of flour, or not as
the case may be. Personally, I suspect "Sam" is hoping for an actual
confrontation with BLP. More dragons to slay.


Jones, you're a former lawyer. What tends to happen under these kinds of
circumstances where someone appears to be on a self-righteous kamikaze
mission to destroy the reputation of an individual and his company.


Where's Sancho.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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