"Nano" is the key to many anomalies, and the follow numbers tend to support
a surprising conclusion, to wit: Rossi's "industrial secret" catalyst is NOT
nearly as good as the original .


In 1994 in a series of experiments lasting over a year, but before nickel
nanopowder was available, Thermacore was able to get ~50 watts of continuous
excess energy - output over the input - from what works out to 143 cm^2
surface area of nickel. 


This is based on the surface area of polished capillary tubing, which was in
contact with a catalyst (one of several alkali metals, as specified in CQM
theory based on Rydberg's constant). If the surface area had been etched and
pitted, as would be expected, then the true surface area could be a multiple
of that, but probably not over 400 cm^2.


BTW Rydberg was a Swede, and his constant was found experimentally - since
it predated the development of quantum theory. But nowadays, it can be
derived from quantum mechanics, which gives it extra credence. Perhaps this
is a detail which has attracted the Swedes to the recent incarnation of this
early experiment.




Now fast-forward 17 years. The spec sheets from nano-nickel suppliers say
that 400,000 cm^2/gm of surface area is available from this geometry as
opposed to the ~400 cm^2/gm of the older tubing. 


Therefore, only one gram of nano nickel should give an increase of
(400,000/400) or about 3 orders of magnitude more surface area. If surface
area correlates well to excess energy, and this is almost a given - then
this incredible increase should easily push the 50 watts seen in 1994 above
the heat level now claimed by AR. 


Is there a surprising conclusion that one draw from this set of
circumstances ?


Guess what, sports fans: this could indicates that Rossi's catalyst may NOT
be as good as the potassium carbonate used initially ! 


But even if it is exactly the same catalyst (or one the other alkali metals
mentioned in the CQM theory) - then this fact, plus the old experiment, may
also indicate why the present inventor has been reluctant to disclose its
true identity.






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