My dear Friends,

A new proof that interesting and important things still happen in the World.

Because this goes to my New Energy friends, I want to complain that the
intelligence test coming from Andrea Rossi has become even more impossible
than it was. Now he has shown how you can make and not make contracts
and agreements in the same time..
This reminds me of a kind of diplomacy made some 70 years ago by a former
merchant working for a former kitsch painter.
Now Rossi has  a contract with some US people having the Good in their
culture- excellent!
Anyway this helped me to find an euphemism for his behavior- *surrealistic.*
It seems the Good people have convinced him to make good, correct
Why he has not started with these?.

I prefer to focus on real  scientific LENR, from Piantelli, logically


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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