For what it's worth, here are some more speculations on the Rossi-Defkalion
break-up.  It explains why the break-up was originated by Rossi, and why
Defkalion failed to resolve the dispute.

I would suggest that Rossi realized that Defkalion's approach would not let
him protect his industrial secret.  This is a critical issue for
profit-maximizer Rossi, in view of the lack of patent protection: according
to Economics 101, one competitor is enough to erase much profit after a few
years.  Deploying one, let alone millions, of Hyperion units in unsecured
places gives plenty of opportunity for competitors to acquire the device and
reverse engineer its secret.  Defkalion's attempts to add security within
the Hyperions are not credible.  It's much better for Rossi to have
licencee(s) build a few large electricity-generating units in well-garded
places, and sell the electricity to resellers.

Having realized that Defkalion's approach was wrong, Rossi needed an excuse
to break their agreement.  It may be the failure of Defkalion to make a
payment, although the evidence is not clear on that.  I suspect that
Defkalion had difficulty raising money.  There was an early article in a
Greek blog saying that they raised 200 M, while in fact, they only said that
they would need 200 M to bring the technology to market.  Their official
statement did not say how much money was raised.  Here are 2 reasons why
they would have difficulty raising money : the lack of patent protection is
a serious show-stopper for any technology investor, and the licence of the
technology to Defkalion is limited (their right of first refusal for country
extensions is only an option at this time: there is no garantee that they
would secure the rights eventually).

While this would explain much, I'm still totally puzzled as to why Rossi
spends so much time answering questions on his blog.  This is ballistically
unreal for an industrialist creating a multi-billion dollar industry.  Is he
just satisfyting his ego ?  He would have a better use of his time preparing
a convincing demonstration of his device.  Defkalion's communication was
much more professional in this regard (except for their forum).


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