>From Terry:

> > The novel is called the "The Forever War".
> This is similar to the "Ender's Game" series without the happy ending
> for the invading hive mind species:

Thanks Terry,

I've been meaning to read Orson Scott Card's Ender Game novels. I know
there's a long series of Sagas pertaining to Ender Game universe. 

Card is a controversial figure, being a devout Mormon and all. His religious
predilections have occasionally caused liberals and the gay and lesbian
community to get all riled up when Card sed something that perhaps he
shouldn't have. I gather Card has occasionally been verbally harassed at
book signings.

Despite Card's "faults" he still writes damned good thoughtful speculative
fiction. It just goes to show that even though one may embrace what some
might consider a restrictive religious philosophy, that does not necessarily
prevent a good imagination from roaming the universe. Card's prose can be
beautiful. And mind you - I'm a part-time dyslexic. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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