So we need something that ionizises or atomizes the hydrogen molecules, and
something that is very unusual for hydride systems.

If the Rossi reaction turns out to be centered on highly excited hydrogen

The bumpy surface of a nickel lattice will “field-ionized” the Rydberg atoms
in a highly excited hydrogen envelope that hug the surface of the

This phenomenon may be visualized as arising from the interaction of the
Rydberg atom with the electric fields due to its electrostatic “image.”
Compared to a hydrogen atom in the ground state, a Rydberg atom has an
enhanced susceptibility to these fields. This is because the Rydberg
electron experiences a greatly reduced electric field from the ion core due
to their larger average separation.

Polycrystalline metal surfaces of the nickel lattice of large micro
particles will generate inhomogeneous “patch” electric fields outside its

These electrostatic fields also influence Rydberg atoms, potentially causing
both level shifts and ionization and competing with the more intrinsic image
charge effects. In general, patch fields arise from the individual
nano-grains of a polycrystalline lattice surface exposing different crystal
faces of the individual nano-crystals.

Each of these faces has a different work function due to differing surface
dipole layers.

For example, Singh-Miller and Marzari have recently calculated the work
functions of the (111), (100), and (110) surfaces of gold and found 5.15,
5.10, and 5.04 eV, respectively. These differing work functions correspond
to potential differences just outside the surface beyond the dipole layer.

Consequently, charge density must be redistributed on the surface to satisfy
the electrostatic boundary conditions, producing macroscopic electric

While patch fields were first discussed extensively in the context of
thermionic emission they are present near polycrystalline metal structures
of any type, including electrodes and electrostatic shields.

A bumpy nickel lattice surface provides Rydberg atoms with the same spill
over ionization function that palladium does for ground state H2 atoms and
it keeps the ionization localized on the surface of the nickel lattice.

If you are interested in this subject read this paper for more theoretical


To amplify the production of Rydberg atoms, I would use potassium or lithium
catalysts as a dopant in the hydrogen envelope.

Rossi has put together many different mechanisms that all work together to
amplify the cold fusion process. The secret catalyst is only one of his
tricks. It will not function on its own hook unless optimally combined with
all the other mechanisms; the nano surface of the micro particle catalyst
surface preparation being just one.

By the way, Rossi has said many times that no radioactive materials are used
in his reactor.

Best regards,


On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Peter Heckert <>wrote:

> Horace,
> thank you very much. I dont have the knowledge to calculate this. Only know
> the very basics.
> Found this via google:
> <**NERS425/Lab5/Shielding%20-%**
> 20Final%20Version.pdf<>
> >
> There is data about screening.
> My idea was, it could be a very small and weak source, such as used in
> schools for physics lectures.
> These are not too dangerous if shielded.
> If the gamma source is very small the intensity should also decrase by
> square of distance. The source could be very close to -  or inside the
> nickel powder core . Then the lead and the distance together could shield it
> close to natural baseline level.
> Its just an idea. I dont know if this is possible.
> It also was an idea of me, that metal hydrides are very well researched.
> Metal hydride hydrogen storage systems are in use worldwide and they use
> specially developed alloys also such that use nickel as a component. These
> sytems are belived to be the most secure devices, melting or explosion or
> abnormal heating is not reported. Some of these are used with very high
> pressure and temperature.
> So there are already thousands if not millions man-years of experience, R&D
> and scientific research done for metal hydride systems. systems. But only
> the LENR researchers find LENR reactions. Why?
> If  LENR reactions where easily to achieve, then this should have been
> discovered. The developers try to reduce the thermal hysteresis in the
> load/unload cycle to get best efficiency. So they search for zero
> hysteresis.
> When there is LENR energy production then we should have negative
> hysteresis and if this is possible by common chemical or physical methods,
> the countless researchers and scientists should have discovered this method
> or catalyzer.
> Now, so the Rossis catalyzer must be something very unusual that nobody
> would ever try to use for a metal hydride storage system.
> So we need something that ionizises or atomizes the hydrogen molecules, and
> something that is very unusual for hydride systems.
> So I came to the idea it must be a radioactive gamma source or device. And
> it must be separated from the nickel, but can be very close and very small
> and can be inside..
> Also I think, we should not only think about the energy, but also about
> frequencies and resonances. If Cobalt60 decays into Nickel60, then the gamma
> radiation spectrum should contain frequencies that are in tune with the
> resonance frequencies of the nickel nucleus or the inner electron shells of
> the nickel atom.
> That was my idea and how I came to it.
> Best,
> Peter
> Am 13.09.2011 20:44, schrieb Horace Heffner:
>> On Sep 13, 2011, at 3:10 AM, wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Could it be that Rossi uses a Cobalt60 gamma source as catalyzer?
>>> Cobalt 60 decays to Nickel60 and emits gamma rays. The gamma spectrum
>>> could be just the right spectrum and energy to excite the Nickel nucleus.
>>> Maybe it is mainly the Cobalt60 that needs screening and not the reactor?
>>> This would explain the thickness of the lead screening.
>>> Focardi has calculated the lead screening. So he must know about the
>>> gamma rays and probably knows about the catalyzer.
>>> Once he said "I dont know and dont want to know"... Now I would believe
>>> he doesnt know, but I can hardly believe he doesnt want to know ;-)
>>> Peter
>> It is notable that if a gamma plus high energy beta source were used for
>> stimulation it could be kept in a container that isolated it from the
>> nickel, and thus it would not be seen in post experiment analysis of the
>> fuel.  There are numerous reports of the effectiveness of radiation
>> stimulation of LENR. The problem is that shielding merely attenuates gammas.
>>  Some always gets through. This could be detected externally.
>> Almost all (99.88%) C60 decay is 0.32 MeV beta followed by 1.12 MeV gamma,
>> followed by 1.33 MeV gamma.  About 0.12% is 1.48 MeV beta followed by 1.3325
>> MeV gamma.
>> I think the lead shielding was stated by Rossi to be 2 cm thick, but don't
>> have a reference handy.
>> Very roughly, the mass attenuation coefficient in lead for 1.12 MeV gammas
>> is about 0.062 cm^2/gm and for 1.33 gammas about 0.057 cm^2/gm.  The linear
>> attenuation coefficient mu for 1.12 MeV gammas is (0.062 cm^2/gm) * (11.4
>> gm/cm^3) = 0.707/cm, and for 1.33 MeV gammas is (0.057 cm^2/gm) * (11.4
>> gm/cm^3) = 0.65/cm.
>> The gamma attenuation, from internal intensity I0 to external intensity I
>> at distance x is given by:
>>   I = I0 * exp(-mu * x)
>> so for 1.12 MeV gammas we have:
>>   I = I0 * exp(-(0.707/cm)*(2 cm)) = I0 * exp(-1.414)
>>   I = I0 * 0.243
>> for 1.33 MeV gammas we have:
>>   I = I0 * exp(-(0.065/cm)*(2 cm)) = I0 * exp(-1.3)
>>   I = I0 * 0.88
>> There is in effect (assuming no calc. errors on my part), with regards to
>> either safety or detection, no practical attenuation offered for cobalt 60
>>  gammas by 2 cm of lead.
>> However, cobalt 60 is not the only possibility given the radioactive
>> source is (and must be to avoid post experiment detection) physically
>> isolated from the nickel.  There is no requirement for it to decay into Ni,
>> or Cu, or Zn, which were found in the used fuel.  Thus, it is possible to
>> choose an alpha or beta source which does not produce large gamma signatures
>> through 2 cm of lead.
>> Best regards,
>> Horace Heffner

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