Good catch. Yes I've commented about how I dtested this method of weighing before. I seem to have forgotten how he did it but I can see it is prone to inaccuracy. He only fills it to 20 bars. He'd have to buy me many dinners to convince me of this. All in all the rest of the report is sloppy or full on inconsistencies. A seemingly bad temperature measurement shows up. He admits to water overflow. He guesses about the 130 degree temperature. The curreny number seems to bounce around from 11A to .11A even when the power is off but most glaringly he attributes what is clearly thermal inertia to CF in so many words! ----- Original Message ----- From: "Man on Bridges" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:E-cat news at Nyteknik


On 14-9-2011 15:05, Joe Catania wrote:
I have to laugh at the hydrogen weight measurement in the Nyteknik Preliminary Report. The report a 2.7 gram drop in weight after filling with hydrogen. But an average air molecule weighs about 28 whereas hydrogen at 60 bar weighs 120 so you should see a gain.

It seems you misunderstood the term "filling".
It means filling the Rossi rector and NOT the Hydrogen bottle.
These numbers apply to the Hydrogen bottle only and not the Rossi reactor.
So filling in this case means removing or better said using from the bottle of Hydrogen.

Kind regards,


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