Hello again, Mr. Catania,

I realize I'm just as guilty of using this term as you, but IMO the
continued use of the phrase, "thermal inertia" to explain the
interesting thermal temperature changes tends to confuse the issue
more than it helps. Technically speaking, what's happening here has
little to do with "inertia", certainly not in a mechanical sense.
"Inertia" implies that there are Newtonian/mechanical forces at play.
What we are trying to assess here are the effects of Thermal
Propagation - how heat transfers (migrates) throughout Rossi's eCat

A more objective study of query would be to perform a Finite Element
Method simulation of the thermal effects in order to observe how
temperatures are alleged to propagate through Rossi's eCats.
Obviously, the computer model would have to be based on the physical
properties of Rossi's eCats as accurately as possible. Alas, I suspect
there are none on this forum that might possess the
dimensional/physical specifications of Rossi's eCats, or the technical
know-how on how to run the appropriate FEM s/w. As for me, I have
performed thousands of FEMM, (Finite Element Method Magnetic)
simulations, but never on the effects of thermal migration. Alas, I
can't be of much assistance.

With that said, I have read your comments several times. Your first
sentence starts out stating: "The data after power off are not
consistent with a temperature increase from before power off." You
continue with additional comments that confuse me even more. Perhaps
your command of the English language is not terribly good. I know I'm
dyslexic at times, so I try to give allowances the literary &
grammatical eccentricities of others. All I know is that I have yet to
understand what you are trying to say. I do know that you end by
saying I'm "...confused if [I] think [I] see anomalous production
after power off. That part I "get". ;-)

Indeed, perhaps I am confused, Mr. Catania. But then, perhaps the
confusion is at the other end.

Time will tell. I'm content to wait it out and see what develops.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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