
did you have the chance to ask DoE about Rossi's e-cat ? He claimed in his
paper that DoE saw a succesfull demostration back in 2009 !

2011/9/20 Jed Rothwell <>

> [This just in, sent by a friend. I don't write to the DoE. I wouldn't
> bother.]
> Monday, September 19, 2011
> Dear Mr. Owens:
> This is in response to your e-mail message to Secretary Chu dated September
> 13, 2011 in which you asked to know where the Department of Energy stands on
> “cold fusion.”
> In 1989, a review panel that had been charged by the Department concluded
> that reports of the experimental results of excess heat from calorimetric
> cells did not present convincing evidence that useful sources of energy will
> result from the phenomena attributed to “cold fusion.”  To quote the panel,
> “Hence, we recommend against the establishment of special programs or
> research centers to develop cold fusion.”
> In 2004, the Department organized a second review of the field and that
> review reached essentially the same conclusion as the 1989 review.   The
> Department’s Office of Sciences does not provide any funding support for
> “cold fusion” research.
> Al Opdenaker
> Fusion Energy Sciences
> Office of Science
> US Department of Energy
> 301-903-4941

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