Alan J Fletcher wrote:

I said you will never get to the bottom of this, and it is not worth trying.

You're probably right on that. So we're left with a purely qualitative demonstration. Ah well.

It's buried in Lewan's data -- but as he pointed out in his responses to Krivit, he DID measure the eCat output flow twice (presumably at the usual drain).

Better than that, Lewan reports the cumulative flow, which is easier to read with confidence from this meter. He wrote:

*Calibration water flow, secondary circuit:*

Water flow was started about 11:00.
Water was filled into a one liter measure, time was measured and the water weighed.
1035 g in 6.06 seconds gives 171 g/s.
1007 g in 5.97 seconds gives 169 g/s.
Similar measurements during the test confirmed these values
Using the flow meter attached to the heat exchanger the time for 10 liters
was measured several times during the test and found to be between 58.1
and 54.4 seconds, giving a flow between 183 and 172 g/s.
The total flow from 11:57 until 19:03 was 4554.3 liters, giving an average flow of 178 g/s or 641 liters/h.

I am confident the flow rate was stable and it was at the reported rates. The inlet temperature is also firmly established, and it was stable. The only open question is the outlet temperature. Was it affected by the steam pipe, and if so how much? When I said "you will never get to the bottom of this" I meant you cannot answer those two questions with confidence. There is probably not enough information in the report to determine these things.

- Jed

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