During Mat's walk through video I make it about 40+/-1 Hz, with same LMI P18
pump with 2ml max stroke (and back pressure of at least 1.3bar if making
124°C steam, pump is limited to 1.5bar)
http://www.lmi-pumps.com/datasheets/Pseries-08-01.pdf, that would suggest at
maximum 1.3g/s and probably less given close to maximum pressure.

If so then the heat developed during walkthrough is not more than 3.6kw
(1.3g/s 24°C water to 124°C steam) but might be less than 2.45kW (0.91g/s
24°C water to 124°C steam), unless the water level in the reactor was

At same point in the walk through Mat shows delta T on secondary of 6.5°C
and says that it is flowing 600l/hr (167g/s), that would give a power output
of 4.5kW.

So the secondary is putting out more heat than the primary could be
delivering.  This shows that the calorimetry is almost certainly
overestimating output by at least 20% (prime candidates are bad outlet
thermocouple positon, poor calibration of thermocouples), though it could be
a lot more.

On 10 October 2011 22:24, Alan J Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:

>  At 02:09 PM 10/10/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> Alan J Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:
>  It's buried in Lewan's data -- but as he pointed out in his responses to
> Krivit, he DID measure the eCat output flow twice (presumably at the usual
> drain).
> He read it at the drain and also, during the video, from the flowmeter.
> The flowmeter and volume measurements are on the SECONDARY. The flow
> results for the secondary are fine .. as is its input temperature.
> He made TWO measurements on the PRIMARY flow ... one at the end of
> sustaining, and one after the hydrogen was purged and the peristaltic pump
> was increased.
> We DO have the click-rate of the primary pump recorded during Lewan's
> walk-through. Not time-stamped, but he says "about 1 hour ago we went into
> self-sustaining mode".

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