From: Peter Gluck

> History's bad wordplay:

> 1 percent richest = FatCats
> Just signalling it, not to be discussed, please

Too late, Peter,

I DO feel compelled to briefly discuss the "political" mater... just a tad
because I'm an American, and I'm deeply concerned about the direction my
country has been headed lately. It's not pretty.

IMO, it is appalling how many republican candidates vying for the president
of the United States in 2012 have either dismissed or completely condemned
these grass-roots demonstrations. They have side-stepped the fact that the
formation of the movement is pretty much how their own super-conservative
Tea Party movement began from individuals unhappy about the way things have
been handled. It has been called the Tea Party of the Left. An appropriate

This movement, of course, reminds me of my own participation in the
Wisconsin demonstrations last winter against super conservative Governor,
Mr. Walker, who is essentially my employer, me being a state employee.
Walker is now facing the possibility of being recalled. Petitions to have
him recalled will begin in earnest in November. Possible re-elections may
proceed around April and May of next year.

Meanwhile, in regards to the 99% movement, I heard republican candidate,
Herman Cain, describe the movement as comprised of a bunch of disgruntled
people blaming rich people for having jobs (and wealth) while they
themselves don't. Herman's solution? Don't blame the rich for having jobs
and having gotten rich from their efforts. His solution: go out and work for
the wealth you covet from the rich. I guess from Herman's POV many of 9% who
are currently unemployed must be lazy, or something stupid like that. He's
clueless, and yet there are enough people in this country who apparently buy
into his profound ignorance of the situation. Meanwhile, Michele Bachmann
stated that she thought she saw a lot of union organizers in the midst of
99% crowds. Therefore, I guess that from her POV it makes the crowds nothing
more than puppets doing the bidding of these nasty Union organizers. And,
here too, there are enough people in this country who apparently buy into
her POV as well.

I am concerned about what will happen in 2012. I hope for the best, but to
be honest I currently feel pessimistic. Perhaps It's because I haven't had
my cup'o'java this morning yet.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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