You started it, my friend- but I have raised the problem
in the final part of this essay:

It seems people still do not love Egality because it is an impossible,
biased, false ant-mertocratic concept. But slowly the start to hate
Inequality when it is in malign forms.
Take this meta-movement and the Arab spring.
It is important however that the solutions found should be better than the
original problems.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:55 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> From: Peter Gluck
> > History's bad wordplay:
> >>
> 3A_protesters_hit_the_streets_in_ny_and_visit_the_1_percent_at_their_homes?a
> kid=7693.112117.nEOOaL&rd=1&t=2
> > 1 percent richest = FatCats
> >
> > Just signalling it, not to be discussed, please
> Too late, Peter,
> I DO feel compelled to briefly discuss the "political" mater... just a tad
> because I'm an American, and I'm deeply concerned about the direction my
> country has been headed lately. It's not pretty.
> IMO, it is appalling how many republican candidates vying for the president
> of the United States in 2012 have either dismissed or completely condemned
> these grass-roots demonstrations. They have side-stepped the fact that the
> formation of the movement is pretty much how their own super-conservative
> Tea Party movement began from individuals unhappy about the way things have
> been handled. It has been called the Tea Party of the Left. An appropriate
> description.
> This movement, of course, reminds me of my own participation in the
> Wisconsin demonstrations last winter against super conservative Governor,
> Mr. Walker, who is essentially my employer, me being a state employee.
> Walker is now facing the possibility of being recalled. Petitions to have
> him recalled will begin in earnest in November. Possible re-elections may
> proceed around April and May of next year.
> Meanwhile, in regards to the 99% movement, I heard republican candidate,
> Herman Cain, describe the movement as comprised of a bunch of disgruntled
> people blaming rich people for having jobs (and wealth) while they
> themselves don't. Herman's solution? Don't blame the rich for having jobs
> and having gotten rich from their efforts. His solution: go out and work
> for
> the wealth you covet from the rich. I guess from Herman's POV many of 9%
> who
> are currently unemployed must be lazy, or something stupid like that. He's
> clueless, and yet there are enough people in this country who apparently
> buy
> into his profound ignorance of the situation. Meanwhile, Michele Bachmann
> stated that she thought she saw a lot of union organizers in the midst of
> 99% crowds. Therefore, I guess that from her POV it makes the crowds
> nothing
> more than puppets doing the bidding of these nasty Union organizers. And,
> here too, there are enough people in this country who apparently buy into
> her POV as well.
> I am concerned about what will happen in 2012. I hope for the best, but to
> be honest I currently feel pessimistic. Perhaps It's because I haven't had
> my cup'o'java this morning yet.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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