Very interesting letter indeed.

Regarding the following excerpt:

> In all such cases, had there been close cooperation with
> Defkalion to develop the technology together, as opposed
> to focusing and putting pressure on us to receive money,
> many of these unfortunate legal and technical
> misunderstandings could have been avoided.
> As such, all these created serious delays for all
> contractual parties and for payment to be made according
> to our contract. You will safely recall that payment is
> based on the successful demonstration according to
> protocols and procedures that have been supplied to EFA,
> whose conditions have not been met yet.

It may be a matter of interpretation, one mired in legal jargon no
doubt, as to whether RA actually supplied "...successful demonstration
according to protocols and procedures that have been supplied to EFA."

Obviously DGT sez no, while I presume AR will say that he did... so
where's my money. Meanwhile, I get the impression that DGT is
monumentally strapped for cash. Under the circumstances they could
either pay AR what he thinks is owed to him, or DGT can redirect what
limited financial resources they might still have left in the piggy
bank towards completing their on-going R&D efforts - while
simultaneously asking AR to just be a little more patient a while
longer. Who's going to win this battle? I fear it won't be AR. Ya
know, I'm sort of finding myself sympathizing more with DGT than with
AR on this one.

Don't change that channel folks!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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