Mark Gibbs' article in "Network World"

...ends with:


> It remains to be seen whether this is really all some
> kind of mistake, which seems unlikely, or a hoax, which
> seems equally implausible because, if it is all bogus,
> then there's no obvious upside for Rossi or any of the
> others involved.
> So, Oct. 28 will be a big day. If the demonstration goes
> ahead as planned either we're going to be really
> disappointed or we'll be on the brink of something that
> will change the world forever.

Mark strikes me as uncharacteristically optimistic in his view of the
eCat's chances.

On a cautionary note, some of these recent Rossi articles are
reminiscent of Dean Kamen, when he tried to introduce his Segway
invention to the public. Unfortunately for Mr. Kamen the hype
surrounding his project got way out of hand due to no fault of his
own. I recall that some of the unwarranted speculation included
stories that the inventor would soon reveal a cold fusion device of
his own.

Personally, I think it is ludicrous to assume Oct. 28 is the "big day"
for humanity. The pessimist within me currently speculates that a more
likely scenario will be that as Oct 28 arrives and the demo begins
Rossi's 1 MW prototype may begin to experience "technical
difficulties". If, as Jed has speculated, the entire contraption has
never been turned on before. Well Shoot! WHAT COULD GO WRONG???? In
any case, unexpected difficulties or anomalies may eventually result
in cancellation of the demo half way through the presentation. Rossi's
team tries to put their best face forward by concluding that the demo
was a resounding success, but that that they now need to analyze the
new data before proceeding to the next step of commercialization.
Hopefully, no explosions will occur, and no injuries either. We hope.

As Oct 28 concludes uneventfully, disappointingly, self proclaimed
skeptics will immediately clamor on-line and start gloating: "See! I
told you so! Nothing there!", while believers remain unfazed by the
latest setback.

Eventually, perhaps in another year or so, or perhaps even sooner, a
new-and-improved eCat, a "cat" that has gone through several
additional generations, (or perhaps more likely, a competitor), will
slip in through the back door of the industrial market and start
making inroads. Eventually, the Joe Public will begin to catch on...
while Joe SixPack puzzles over why his Oil portfolio seems to be
flagging a little bit.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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