OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

I believe it has been conjectured that Rossi has not yet operated his 1 MW
> demo prototype at 100% capacity. That's what I have assumed is the case
> based on what others have said... or is that what Rossi has stated for the
> record?

Yes, he said this in his blog, I believe. And also in private communication.

He said something to the effect that if does not work the first time, they
will keep trying until it does, where the "first time" was on the 28th.

The point being: If Rossi's entire 1 MW array has never been activated, then
> yes indeed there does appear in my mind to be valid concerns for the safety
> of curious bystanders who may wander too close to the prototype.
I think it is profoundly dangerous even to people a good distance away. I
was not exaggerating when I said this reactor should only be turned on
someplace like the White Sands Missile Range.

This much steam or hot water is acutely dangerous no matter how you generate
it, even with a conventional combustion boiler. Not only is the heat
dangerous, but based on Celani's radiation detector results in the January
test, there may be danger from radiation.

> If it's NOT true, and the 1MW reactor HAS already been "test driven" at
> least a few times (and nothing of an explosive nature transpired), then IMO
> there may be some grounds to give Rossi a teeny tiny little bit of slack.
As far as I know, and others I have spoken with know, it has never been test
driven. I do not know anyone who has seen him operate 1 reactor at full
power, or 2 reactors at the same time, multiplexed. He might have done this
but no one has seen it.

There are also legal issues. I asked him whether he has a license to operate
this reactor. He did not respond. I think it is highly unlikely that any
sane government official would grant a license for a megawatt nuclear
reactor to be operated in close proximity to housing, children and so on.
Even if this test works perfectly, Rossi could be arrested and he could
spend the rest of his life fighting criminal charges of reckless
endangerment. I told him that. He did not respond.

On many levels this is a profoundly reckless and stupid thing to do. Not
only that, but it has absolutely no scientific or technological
significance. It has no commercial or business significance. A number of
investors and people from top universities and other institutions have
contacted me in recent months about this. They have ALL -- without exception
-- said they see no reason to turn on such a large reactor. All of them
would be satisfied with a 10 kW reactor.

Building this reactor was a complete waste of time and resources.

Again, I told him that. He response was to accuse me of sabotaging his work,
and to blame me for his decision to make the Oct. 28 test "private." I told
him he should make me the scapegoat for his mistakes.

Having said all of that . . . I would be more disturbed by this if I thought
there is a good chance it will work, and produce a lot of power. I doubt
that it will.

- Jed

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