I beg to differ most strenuously with Mr. Murray's statement:
"...largely CF believing community of Vortex-L..."

Rich, you've been a contributor to this group for quite some time as well.  
If you haven't noticed by now you aren't as observant as you think.  The
main thing that attracted me to the Vort Collective was that the regular
contributors HAVE READ THE PAPERS they are discussing... especially when it
comes to CF and BLP.  Thus, their 'belief' that there is something to
LENR/CF is based on KNOWLEDGE of the research; and some have even
participated in it, myself included (with Tom Droege), not because they read
the latest condescending quip in the latest issue of Science or Nature, both
of which have no interest in READING the papers submitted by very
accomplished scientists.  I don't know what your definition of 'belief' is,
but what goes on in this group is not my concept of belief...at least, not
when it comes to serious subject matter such as mentioned in this post.

As Dr. Robert Duncan, Vice Chancellor of Research, Univ of Missouri, said in
his 60-Minutes segment, "Talk to the scientists, visit their labs, do the
calculations for yourself.... Don't let others do your thinking for you."
If more 'scientists' made this their number one rule, we would all probably
have e-Cats by now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Murray [mailto:rmfor...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 9:11 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com; Rich Murray; Rich Murray
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi: 1MW prototype has already been tested at full power

As a pragmatic skeptic, within the largely CF believing community of
Vortex-L, my meager qualifications re science and technology have

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