A lot have been written the last 2 days (on E-Cat blogs & web sites) about
the running cost of the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant that has only focused on the
cost of the nickel & hydrogen fuel used.

One should not forget that the I MW E-Cat Power Plant will not run in
self-sustained mode due to safety issues.
There will be a general minimum 1 to 6 gain in energy from the plant.
I.e. the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant will require a maximum of 167 kWh to run
during the 6 months.
So in addition to the fuel cost of 10 kg modified Nickel micro powder and 18
kg hydrogen gas one need to add the cost of purchasing 167 kWh for each hour
the plant is running during the 6 months. This el-power running cost is much
larger than the cost of the Nickel / Hydrogen fuel used.
Se today's recent Andrea Rossi answer to my questions re. running cost of
the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant:
Jorn Erik Ommang
October 26th, 2011 at 3:50 PM
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Congratulation from Norway, Spain & UK!
1.0 Is it correct that Your 1 MW E-Cat Container will require a maximum of
167 kW in el-power to run and generate the 1 MW of heath (a minimum 1 to 6
energy gain) (1 to 6 energy gain = 167 kW el-power in and 1 MW heat out)?
2.0 Will the cost of this el-power (maximum 167 kWh for 6 months) come in
addition to the cost for fuel (10 kg nickel & 18 kg hydrogen pr. 6 months)?
I have been working as consultant in New Energy (since 1994) for management
of Oil and Energy Companies in Norway (including Europe¹s largest renewable
energy company) as well as work the Government. The Consultant work has
included training top management in what will come in the clean new energy
field and have followed Your great work for a long time. Have also long time
experience as Project Manager in the Norwegian Oil & Gas Industry and as
technical auditor for Shell & Statoil.
3.0 I am interested in linking Norwegian, Spanish and UK Oil, Gas and Energy
Companies to Your products to prepare for when Your revolutionary products
come on the marked. Please advice how best to contact You for my contacts
within these areas for purchasing MW-units and licenses.
4.0 Have You chosen the date of 28.09.2011 for Your demo for a special
reason (i.e. are You aware that this date is one of the major dates for
positive changes in alternative thinking)?
All the best with Fridays major demonstration, verification & testing
Jorn-Erik Ommang, Engineer
New Energy Specialist
Spain / Norway / UK

Andrea Rossi answered:
October 27th, 2011 at 3:47 AM
Dear Jorn Erik Ommang:
1- yes
2- yes
3- OK
4- Just a case
Warm Regards,

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