Dr. Peter Gluck,

Further to Your question:

The 1 MW “Container Energy Catalyser” (ContainerCat) Power Plant in its
present form generate heath in the form of steam / hot water. As a thermal
power plant it can be made to generate space & water heating for factories
and buildings. 

However, to put this revolutionary New Energy power plant into the present
energy-marked perspective it is best to compare it with a CHP (combined heat
& power) plant when it (in the near future) is combined with a steam to
el-power converting system in addition to delivering heat for usable heating
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_heat_and_power

On cost comparison it is best to compare the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant to CHP
generated by natural gas. The most economic future E-Cat 1 MW Container
Power Plant will be a Cogeneration (combined heat and power, CHP) that
simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_power

Some of Your question can be answer as:
The energy efficiency of a conventional thermal power station, considered as
saleable energy as a percent of the heating value of the fuel consumed, is
typically 33% to 48%.

And, yes the EU site is a good source for most anything on energy statistics
in EU, including real facts on the ridiculous low efficiency factor for the
expensive & highly subsidised Offshore Wind Farms now being constructed in
the UK (Wind Farms is like energy living on social security, “they can not
stay on their own one feet”.


Jorn-Erik Ommang, engineer
New Energy Specialist to major oil, gas & energy companies

On 28/10/2011 14:41, "Peter Gluck" <peter.gl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you very much for your detailed and welll docunented answer.
> Let's waith the global results of the Demo for the most relevant calculation.
> In your experience and  not on;y for Italy what are the price ratios electric
> energy/thermal energy?
> Peter
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Jorn Erik Ommang <j...@enerley.com> wrote:
>> Dr. Peter Gluck,
>> Further to Your comment.
>> The need for semi-continuous electrical heating of the many E-Cats in the I
>> MW “Container-Cat” is, at the moment, the largest running cost in addition to
>> the low-cost fuel (6 month running period) represented by the 10 kg modified
>> nickel micro powder and the 18 kg of hydrogen gas and some small power for
>> the frequency modulator.
>> In the lowest heath generating modus (the 1 to 6 energy gain) the maximum
>> el-power heating requirement is around 167 kWh which over 6 month running
>> time represent 180 x 24 = 4320 hours. At 167 kWh this adds up to 721440 kWh.
>> In Italy this amount of el-power for an industrial consumer will cost: 721440
>> kWh x Euro 0,1331 = 96023 Euro.
>> Even though Mr. Andrea Rossi informed me that the 167 kWh for resistor
>> heating was necessary to run the I MW E-Cat Container, today's major test in
>> Bologna will show how this in real life is functioning. He might start groups
>> of 6 E-Cats units at the time for each of the two 500 kW E-cat groups that
>> makes up the I MW E-Cat Container.
>> It is now, based on the 10 former E-Cat tests performed earlier, certain that
>> Rossi's E-Cat technology generates excess heat from the “low nuclear energy
>> reactions (LNER)” (a process that very well, in the near future, will show it
>> self to be more of a Quantum / ZPE / Rydberg type process then a general
>> “cold fusion” reaction). The sceptics that still state the the E-Cat do not
>> generate excess heat are just not well enough informed or do not simply
>> accept facts that does not fit with their “believe system”.    
>> To get the 1 MW “Container Cat” prototype to run commercially it is necessary
>> to run it on a much higher energy ratio than a present 1 to 6 (due to that it
>> is el-power in and just heat out). Earlier tests have indicated that much
>> higher energy ratios are highly possible and have been shown, as has running
>> in self contained mode without el-power heating of resistors for long periods
>> of time been demonstrated.
>> We should also not forget that there are a number of other developers /
>> companies (in addition to Andrea Rossi / Leonardo Corp.) that are stating
>> real results & great energy generation possibilities with much similar energy
>> generating processes.
>> We will see from today's major 1 MW E-Cat test in Bologna what the present
>> ratio between el-power in and heat out will be.
>> For the calculation the following present el-power prices in Italy have bee
>> used:
>> End-user energy prices for industrial consumers.
>> Italy     € 0.1331
>> Ref: http://www.energy.eu/#Industrial-Elec
>> <http://www.energy.eu/#Industrial-Elec>
>> Retail (end-user) energy prices for households.
>> Italy     € 0.2568
>> Ref: http://www.energy.eu/#Domestic-Elec
>> <http://www.energy.eu/#Domestic-Elec>
>> Sincerely,
>> Jorn-Erik Ommang, engineer
>> New Energy Specialist to major oil, gas & energy companies
>> Enerley.com
>> On 27/10/2011 20:56, "Peter Gluck" <peter.gl...@gmail.com
>> <http://peter.gl...@gmail.com> > wrote:
>>> Can you please give some price limits for 
>>> 167 kWh electric energy and
>>> 1000 kWh thermal energy, say carried by steam 115 deg Celsius?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Peter
>>> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Jorn Erik Ommang <j...@enerley.com
>>> <http://j...@enerley.com> > wrote:
>>>> A lot have been written the last 2 days (on E-Cat blogs & web sites) about
>>>> the running cost of the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant that has only focused on the
>>>> cost of the nickel & hydrogen fuel used.
>>>> One should not forget that the I MW E-Cat Power Plant will not run in
>>>> self-sustained mode due to safety issues.
>>>> There will be a general minimum 1 to 6 gain in energy from the plant.
>>>> I.e. the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant will require a maximum of 167 kWh to run
>>>> during the 6 months.
>>>> So in addition to the fuel cost of 10 kg modified Nickel micro powder and
>>>> 18 kg hydrogen gas one need to add the cost of purchasing 167 kWh for each
>>>> hour the plant is running during the 6 months. This el-power running cost
>>>> is much larger than the cost of the Nickel / Hydrogen fuel used.
>>>> Se today's recent Andrea Rossi answer to my questions re. running cost of
>>>> the 1 MW E-Cat Power Plant:
>>>> Jorn Erik Ommang
>>>> October 26th, 2011 at 3:50 PM
>>>> Dear Andrea Rossi,
>>>> Congratulation from Norway, Spain & UK!
>>>> 1.0 Is it correct that Your 1 MW E-Cat Container will require a maximum of
>>>> 167 kW in el-power to run and generate the 1 MW of heath (a minimum 1 to 6
>>>> energy gain) (1 to 6 energy gain = 167 kW el-power in and 1 MW heat out)?
>>>> 2.0 Will the cost of this el-power (maximum 167 kWh for 6 months) come in
>>>> addition to the cost for fuel (10 kg nickel & 18 kg hydrogen pr. 6 months)?
>>>> I have been working as consultant in New Energy (since 1994) for management
>>>> of Oil and Energy Companies in Norway (including Europe’s largest renewable
>>>> energy company) as well as work the Government. The Consultant work has
>>>> included training top management in what will come in the clean new energy
>>>> field and have followed Your great work for a long time. Have also long
>>>> time experience as Project Manager in the Norwegian Oil & Gas Industry and
>>>> as technical auditor for Shell & Statoil.
>>>> 3.0 I am interested in linking Norwegian, Spanish and UK Oil, Gas and
>>>> Energy Companies to Your products to prepare for when Your revolutionary
>>>> products come on the marked. Please advice how best to contact You for my
>>>> contacts within these areas for purchasing MW-units and licenses.
>>>> 4.0 Have You chosen the date of 28.09.2011 for Your demo for a special
>>>> reason (i.e. are You aware that this date is one of the major dates for
>>>> positive changes in alternative thinking)?
>>>> All the best with Fridays major demonstration, verification & testing
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Jorn-Erik Ommang, Engineer
>>>> New Energy Specialist
>>>> Enerley.com
>>>> Spain / Norway / UK
>>>> Andrea Rossi answered:
>>>> October 27th, 2011 at 3:47 AM
>>>> Dear Jorn Erik Ommang:
>>>> 1- yes
>>>> 2- yes
>>>> 3- OK
>>>> 4- Just a case
>>>> Warm Regards,
>>>> A.R.

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