>From Peter Gluck


The conclusion of the article:

> Is there a bet here?  Root for the Italians if you're like me.
>  Wouldn't it be fun if they were right?  But if you're an
> investor, go long oil; buy Exxon [NYSE:XOM], Schlumberger
> [NYSE:SLB], Transocean [NYSE:RIG] ... you know the list.

So, the Forbes writer, in the end, hedges his bets. (I guess If I were in
his shoes I would do the same.)

When one bets, one is essentially betting on the reputation of their Ego.
They are betting on an illusion that they actually know what they are
talking about. In the end the amount of betting, for or against, will not
matter a hoot - certainly not to one's Ego. Lately, I've had long talks with
my Ego. I think my Ego (and "me") are finally beginning to understand each
other - particularly the fact that most of the time we are clueless. But
that's ok.

Let Joe Six Pack continue to bet on Oil. Meanwhile I hope Joe Public will
simply wait and see what develops.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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