>From Peter:


> We have this already seen many times.
> There is definitely excess energy.
> Especially after the Kullander Essen Demo it was very clear that
> the input energy was too low to heat the water.
> But we also have seen errors in measurement that reduce the amout
> of energy and that make it possible to fake it.
> We have seen a lot of contradicting and definitely untrue promises.

Which brings me back to my original suggestion: Let Joe Public wait
and see what happens.

BTW, when I previously pontificated with:

> When one bets, one is essentially betting on the reputation
> of their Ego. They are betting on an illusion that they
> actually know what they are talking about. In the end the
> amount of betting, for or against, will not matter a hoot -
> certainly not to one's Ego. Lately, I've had long talks with
> my Ego. I think my Ego (and "me") are finally beginning to
> understand each other - particularly the fact that most of
> the time we are clueless. But that's ok.

I had not had my morning cup of Java. I meant to say:

When one bets, one is essentially betting on the reputation of their
Ego. They are betting on an illusion that they actually know what they
are talking about. In the end the amount of betting, for or against,
will not matter a hoot. IT ONLY MATTERS TO THE EGO. Lately, I've had
long talks with my Ego. I think my Ego (and "me") are finally
beginning to understand each other - particularly the fact that most
of the time we are clueless. I think I can live with that

Steven Vincent Johnson

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