Peter Heckert <> wrote:

> The truth behind might be this: Focardi /thinks/ there could be dangerous
> gamma radiation under circumstances, but they never measured this and dont
> know.
> If so, then he has lied all time to us.
> If not so, then he has lied to the authorities to get the permissions.

Or they changed their minds and no longer believe there is gamma radiation.

Or they have confirmed (somehow) that the gamma radiation is never

Or the Italian authorities decided for some reason not to worry about gamma
rays, and did not order them to put up signs.

Or there might be some other explanation that has not occurred to me.

There are many possibilities here. Unless you have some inside information
from Rossi and the Italian government, you have no reason to think anyone
lied about anything. The truth might be this, or that, or an onion. Unless
you have hard information I think you should not accuse people of lying.

- Jed

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