Am 01.11.2011 15:28, schrieb Mattia Rizzi:
Peter, have you seen this comment on NyTeknik?
The video is inside the last article by Lewan.
The valve appear almost closed, so that’s why there was not so much liquid water (5 liters according to the report).
Probably they left it open partially, so that so much water dropped out as they wanted ;-)

[h=3]*Closed water condensate drainage valve*[/h]
Somebody asked Mr. Rossi about the water-condensate drainage valve, which is obviously shown closed in the latest posted movie.
Here the explanation from Mr. Rossi:
Andrea Rossi
October 31st, 2011 at 6:07 PM
Dear Paul Gordon:
The valve has been always open, under the strict control of the Consultant of the Customer. The video you talk of has been made during the cooling down of the E-Cat, after it has been turned off.
Typical Rossi answer. Definitive false.
If they leave it totally open, then a considerable amount of steam must come out. (If there was steam) Lewan said it was 3 o clock and the reactor was in selfsustaining mode. I have seen this before. At this time the pressboard jail must be totally hot. He did not notice anything.
Experts should be able to determine the time from the shadows in sunlight.
Rossi does never consider what he says. He will be caught.

Warm Regards,
But if you watch the movie, you hear at the end very clear the voice of Mats Lewan saying: It is now almost 3 o clock. That means, that time the movie was recorded, the e-cat should have been in the middle of the so called 'self sustaining' mode.
So, who is wrong?
I hope Mr. Mats Lewan can clarify.
Actually, I believe the time given by Mats Lewan, because - as you can see - it was still bright daylight.
-----Messaggio originale-----
From: Peter Heckert
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi 1MW : Why is the energy hidden behind pressboard?
Am 01.11.2011 14:56, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
> He documented the water flow. The water was vaporized. The temperature
> was well over 100 deg C. Fioravanti and all other experts in steam say
> this proves it was dry steam, fully vaporized. For that matter, even
> if it was wet steam or magically hot water in liquid state, there was
> massive anomalous energy.
No. if it was hot water, then the energy was 5 times less than 100 kW.
If there was a cold water flow in the other pipe, then it was less than
50 kW.
If there was a heater near the thermoelement, then it was almost zero.
Especially Domenico Fioravanti (customer engineer) must know this if he
is an expert.
He did not mention the heat blowing out from this airtight pressboard jail.
There was no abnormal heat.
This is a proof that this guy was not interested in the real energy, but
interested in a successful scam.
Because nobody was talking about remarkable heat at the dispensers, we
must assume there was no abnormal energy.
All observers there where obviously technical ignorants or mentally
handicapped or fanatical believers or scientific conmans.
I think the experts from NASA and military experts will know how to
analyze the visible diameters of pipes and the misconstruction of the
heat dissipators and will recognize what is going on there.
So much thermal energy (470 kW) streaming up into the sky must be
visible to the naked eye like air on a hot tin roof on a summerday.
Why did nobody look up and point to this?
This demo was a perfect disproof, this is my impression.
kind regards,

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