I will suggest to Rossi that he give you one, but he may not be on speaking 
terms with me either.  I have discussed his tendency to obscure the data to 
keep us guessing and I have a feeling that he has seen some of my posts.  It is 
better that I leave that sleeping dog lay.

Everyone has some form of agenda.  I very much want to see LENR products start 
to appear in the marketplace to replace the fossil and nuclear industry that is 
such a problem for the world.  For this reason I tend to favor Rossi most of 
the time, but I do get annoyed when he tells untruths to misdirect our efforts.

I know that you are a member of the moletrap group.  From everything I have 
seen, they just enjoy being a thorn in the side of new energy researchers.

I can surmise that you do not work in any capacity for the fossil fuel 
industry.  Is it possible that you perform some sort of consulting for any of 
the companies you mentioned?  If not, why are you so negative toward our first 
hope for LENR products that has come along?  Are you of the opinion that the 
entire industry of LENR researchers is merely a scam?  If you so believe, I can 
understand your position and respect it.

But Mary, you and I both know that Rossi will never, ever relent and allow his 
device to be scientifically scrutinized until he has no other choice.  That 
might take a long time so why keep repeating the request?  I am sure an 
intelligent person as yourself can contribute to this discussion about the 
ECATs and similar devices without having to attack.  Make positive 
contributions and maybe the world will benefit.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Yugo <maryyu...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 10, 2011 9:38 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:National Instruments signs to do E-Cat controls

I wish Rossi would make a gift of one of his ECATs to Mary so that she could 
perform all of the tests that she desires.  I suspect that she would complain 
that it did not look nice enough for her to dirty her hand upon it.  What is 
your agenda Mary?

Well, I do wish the devices didn't look like hand made fugitives from the 
surplus plumber's supplies yard.  But, as I wrote to Jed, I'd be happy to test 
an E-cat any time.  And the results wouldn't be questionable.  And there are 
far more competent and well regarded people than I who should do it.  Earthtech 
would be a good place if Rossi is too paranoid to let ORNL or Sandia or Cal 
Tech see it.   Or any major university physics department, preferably as a 
department with official endorsement and participation of the entire staff 
rather than someone's individual project. 

Agenda?  Heh. What does that mean?  Exposing inconsistencies and issues in a 
very popular and highly unlikely story requires an agenda of some sort?   What 
exactly are you asking with that question?

Some people accuse me of being a paid agent.  I only wish I were and someone 
wanted to pay me.  Who should I apply to?  You think maybe Exxon?  Standard 
Oil?  BP?  General Atomic? General Electric?  Heck no -- any of those would be 
bidders for an E-cat that worked -- not opponents.

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