Mary, you seem to love to find ways to scam scientific tests or do magic
> tricks or whatever.  Let me ask you a question.  Can you name one
> scientific experiment that is impossible to scam from the past?  I tried
> and can not come up with one, so give it a try.   There are many ways to
> suggest a trick that could, maybe be done.  I will grant you this: Rossi
> has left the possible field open to a lot of tricks.
> Give one example of an experiment that is fool proof to save me from
> having to think too hard.  I bet the vortex can figure a way to fake any
> you name.

OK, I'll play.  Fake an atomic bomb.

But the argument is silly.  I agree almost any subtle looking and complex
experiment can be faked.  THAT'S MY POINT.  And Rossi's experiments are so
loosely done and so different from one to another that it's hard to follow
what he's doing.  The whole purpose of having independent testing is to
rule out fakery.  Sure, the experimenters can be in on a scam.  That's why
they need to have no association with Rossi and an excellent reputation for
skill and fairness.  That's why I named the companies and labs I did.

You suggest that because we accept other experiments from the past that
could have been faked, we should also accept Rossi's.   But that's
defective reasoning.  The only evidence that Rossi's device works has
always involved Rossi's equipment and methods.  That's the problem.  The
problem is not that anything can be a scam.  It's that Rossi's device could
fairly easily be a scam.  The corollary is that a scam can be easily ruled
out except that Rossi, who has done all sorts of complicated and
time/effort consuming maneuvers, won't allow it!

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