From: Jeff Sutton
* It was intended to be humorous.... Yes, there was no doubt about your intent. But since you were not around vortex (AFAIK) when we were considering tellurium as the Rossi catalyst - then it seems prudent to "air out" this particular detail, so to speak. :-) The history of advancement in many fields is littered with people being "right for the wrong reason'. I hope this is not in that category, and admittedly there is little chance that it is. Nevertheless, we should cover all the bases. Where did that iodine come from anyway? Now, if someone did an analysis of prevailing winds in Europe over the last week, and it pointed back to where else, the birthplace of baloney, then that might make the discussion more interesting. Doubt if there is a connection, but who would have thought the worst problems of Chernobyl would end up in places like Scotland and Finland? Jones