If NI is the secret confidential customer, then it would be a bad violation of confidentiality to spread these rumors.
So in any case this are bad news, true, or not true.
Only believe what NI says.

It was visible in earlier videos that Rossi has NI Labview on his computer.
This doesnt mean too much. We use it to in our company for testing stands.
I know another company who needs uninterupted power and they control
their some 100 kW Diesel generator with labview. Our engineer has written the software as his diploma work.
Almost all engineers worldwide use it to control processes.

Be cause Rossi made all adjustments manual, I doubt that he was using Labview for more complex work than data aquisition. If Rossi has bought software or hardware from NI this doesnt mean they are affiliated.

Am 11.11.2011 17:54, schrieb Terry Blanton:
On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Michele Comitini
<michele.comit...@gmail.com>  wrote:
About N.I. involment this is what Daniele reports on 22passi:

"Questa primavera National Instrument aveva chiesto silenzio sulla sua
disponibilità a "sponsorizzare" l'E-Cat di Rossi, ritenendo ancora
troppo controversa la sua invenzione. Ergo, se National Instrument è
uscita allo scoperto adesso, significa che anche loro hanno escluso
l'ipotesi (campata in aria) della bufala.  "

"Last spring National Instruments asked for not reporting their
availability to "sponsor" Rossi's E-cat, considering his [Rossi's]
invention too controversial.   Ergo, if Nat. Instr. came out now, it
means that they too excluded the (too far fetched) hoax hypothesis."
This reminds me of Peter Gluck's question:


and AR's mysterious comment on his customer not being who he expected.
  Is it possible that AR went to NI looking for more than technical
help and they concurred?  Then AR thought that NI was going to invest
by buying his first 1 MW reactor?

When in reality, what NI might have done, is contact one of their
other customers or partners and suggested that THEY purchase the first

So, who is one of NI's customers that might also be interested in cold
fusion related products.  Or, energy products in general?


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