On 2011-11-12 02:26, Jed Rothwell wrote:

You got a problem with retro-looking HTML? You got a problem with old
programs, and old programmers?

The problem is not only that it's retro-looking (it actually is, however, since this is definitely not an intentional thing), but mainly that it's a website made in static html pages which is a very poor solution when there's a large amount of sections possibly subject to frequent changes (not only in content, but also in layout).

By using a modern CMS (Wordpress would have done the job perfectly. It's free, by the way) not only the website would have most probably immediately looked better and been better structured, but it would also have freed the webmasters from tweaking pages individually with an HTML editor, offered better managing tools, more robustness and ease of maintenance, etc.

Putting technical matters and lack of awareness of modern web technologies aside anyway, there also are a lot of puzzling things in the actual content such as the repeated use of the "cold fusion" term which Rossi avoided all along, the Leonardo employees list that might warrant Rossi a phone call or two by the U of Bologna, links to Yahoo groups or external sites that look very unprofessional and amateurish (couldn't they add their own discussion board? Or better, allow commenting on each page - although that would probably need a modern CMS again), the most probably unauthorized use of copyrighted photos, lack of fact checking in several passages, etc.

Really, this is an embarassement of a website. Rossi will eaten alive by hardcore skeptics and the mainstream media tomorrow.


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