Technical specifications Thermal Output Power  1 MW Electrical Input Power Peak 
200 kW Electrical input Power Average 167 kW COP 6 Power Ranges 20 kW-1 MW 
Modules 52 Power per Module 20kW Water Pump brand Water Pump Pressure4 Bar 
Water Pump Capacity 1500 kg/hr Water Pump Ranges 30-1500 kg/hr Water Input 
Temperature 4-85 C Water Output Temperature 85-120 C Control Box Brand Natl. 
Instr. Controlling Software Leonardo Operation and Maintenance Cost $0.5/MWhr 
Fuel Cost  $0.1/MWhr Recharge Cost $10/module Recharge Frequency 2/year 
Warranty 2 years Estimated Lifespan 20 years Price 2M Euros Dimension 2.4 x 2.6 
x 6m > ( I'm using my laptop via the zimra web browser ... I don't know if
> that table's going to come out OK )

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