Ruby Carat ( 'Cold Fusion Now'  Blogger) will be speaking at a TEDx
event in Ft.Lauderdale, Florida December 10.

Ruby Carat
Commercial Cold Fusion – The Viable Alternative Energy

A new energy technology based on cold fusion science has been
commercialized and is now entering the market. The Energy Catalyzer,
or E-Cat for short, is the invention of Italian Andrea A. Rossi and is
a technology based on two decades of research in the field of
low-energy nuclear reactions LENR, the science developed from cold
fusion. A thermal energy generator, the E-Cat is essentially a
hot-water boiler.  Heat is produced by a reaction between the hydrogen
from water and a powder made of the metal nickel. The E-Cat produces
steam, not electricity, but as a pioneering first step in generating
energy using LENR technology, this is a major achievement. This
technology promises to change the way we live on Earth, yet few people
are aware of its existence.  What can we expect as this ultra-clean
technology begins to replace our current energy paradigm?

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