Also in the same, rather short, wikipedia article, one can read of the
furious patent dispute (on the mechanism to steer the planes, not on lift,
by the way), of the disrepute that befell the brothers because of their
perceived greed, and of the refusal (for 40 years! ) of the Smithsonian to
recognize their precedence because another contender to the claim of first
to fly had been a director there.

As it is to be expected, if you live in the same world as I do, even after
their discovery was accepted as irrefutable fact (I am sure for some that
only happened when they themselves flew), their role was not. Draw your own

To the hard-core skeptics, two questions:

- did man actually set foot on the moon? Compare and contrast level of

- how is Rossi trying to make money out of his wonderful, long, elaborate,
hollywoodian scam? I already wrote a detailed post on that and got no

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 3:27 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <> wrote:

> Let me repeat that I started this thread to discern what might have
> been reported from ardent skeptics AFTER it had been determined beyond
> reasonable doubt that the Wright Brothers.... had successfully flown an
> aircraft under their own
> power....."
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

Marcello Vitale
via Cavallotti 5, 20093 Cologno Monzese, MI, ITALY
phone: +39 338 484 9724
skype: marcello_vitale_UK

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