On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Jouni Valkonen <jounivalko...@gmail.com>wrote:

> > 4. Rossi asked an engineer at NASA on July 22, 2011, for $15 million to
> “test” his
> > device. NASA did not pay Rossi anything.
> Should have paid. And also it was to be deposed in escrow account. Not
> for Rossi. Money goes only for Rossi, is demonstration leads into
> contract.

How do you know the terms of this supposed offer?

> > 4. Rossi asked Defkalion to give him money by Aug. 1, 2011. Defkalion
> did not pay
> > Rossi anything. Rossi himself is the source.
> Rossi has always willing to do contracts with partners. Doing
> contracts for production has nothing to do with collecting money from
> private entities and investors.

If Rossi produced, why would Defkalion not pay him?  It's supposed to be
the most valuable invention of the century!

 Then there was that 18h test by Levi, Bianchini and Passerini, but it
> should not be counted as a test, because it showed a success.
> Therefore it must be just fabricated and in reality it never happened.

Perhaps you missed the fascinating interview that Krivit did with Rossi to
get at the bottom of that test.
Here is a link to the Youtube pieces from E-cat World:


What you will hear is that Levi refuses to provide actual data and did not
calibrate the experiment.  What totally amazes and confounds me is that in
all the time since February, Levi et al did not simply repeat this
otherwise excellently conceived experiment.  It could have been improved
and refined by running a blank determination to prove that the output power
measurement was done right.  It could have slowed the coolant flow for a
more reliable larger delta T measurement.  And it could have run much
longer -- so long in fact that only nuclear energy could account for the
result.  Finally, it could have been done using the E-cat as a black box
with *everything else* supplied by the university and not Rossi.  If all
that had been done with a positive result, we would have nothing to argue.
As it is, we are left with nothing but embarrassing questions about Levi
and his experiment and his motivation and ability -- questions he
equivocates about in the embarrassing videos.

> > The hard part for everybody who joined in the promotion and cheerleading
> for Rossi is
> > that they neglected to consider the importance of science, the
> scientific method and
> > scientific protocol.
> Krivit does not even understand basics about scientific method,
> because he is requiring control experiments for experiments where
> there is only one variable to be measured. Controls are only for
> multiple variable studies.

You keep saying that but it's not correct.  The purpose of controls (more
precisely, blank runs in which nuclear fuel is left out but an electrical
heater is providing comparable power) is to demonstrate that the
measurement *method* and *devices* are working correctly.  This has been
argued at length -- steam or no steam, thermocouple placements, errors from
the hot side of the heat exchanger through the block, and so on.  ALL of
that is gone if a blank test with an electrical heater gives the correct
result at the output measurement end.  Rossi knows that -- he's been told
many times by probably dozens of people.  That he doesn't do it is a strong
suggestion that his reaction isn't real.

> What is most annoying with Krivit, that he has fixed his position
> without objective evidence. If evidence to support the claim is not
> adequate, then it does not follow that the claim is false. But as I
> mentioned that Krivit is concluding, from the inconclusive evidence,
> that Rossi is a fraudster and criminal.

That's the main place I disagree with Krivit. I think Rossi *acts* like I
would expect if he were a scammer.  That doesn't prove he is one.  Proof of
what he is may never be available.  But for sure, if the identity of a
customer isn't revealed soon and Rossi continues to fail getting testing by
the two universities he claims he has arrangements with, the whole story
will seem more and more like a scam as time goes by.

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